My Favorite Things...

So everyone knows Oprah has her 'Favorite Things' show and the crowd goes crazy over it each year. As I was sitting there this year watching it from my comfy couch, I was absolutely amazed by some of the audience members. Now...don't get me wrong ~ I realize these are absolutely awesome gifts ~ very cool things to own ~ and how lucky are they to be in the audience that day? BUT, inevitably there are always a few folks that take it to the extreme. I cannot help but get a little chuckle out of the tears and screams I am witnessing. Just when I think I understand their emotions, that is when I really started to wonder ~ are these things THAT life changing to these people that they break down in hysterics ~ arms in the air as they are praising Jesus? Now I cannot judge their personal emotions but THIS year I have decided to have my own favorite things list too. These are the very simple small things that I feel I may break down into hysterics over and put my arms up in the air praising Jesus...

My child looking at me and smiles in recognition.
Rocking my baby to sleep at 3am in the dark.
When he snuggles his whole body and head right up underneath my chin.
Listening to my husband saying lovable things to our son over the monitor with him forgetting it is on.
Looking at this baby and seeing characteristics from both sides of our family together in one person.
Tip toeing into his bedroom to peek at him while he is sleeping and finding the most adorable position anyone has ever seen. You only wish everyone in the world could witness his cuteness at this moment.
Wrapping my baby up in a towel after his bath time and rocking him while we snuggle.
The softness of the back of his baby neck.
Getting a glimpse of my husband kissing, hugging and talking 'baby talk' to our son.
Hearing him wake up from his nap making cute little playful noises.
The relationship your marriage takes on after now realizing you are a family and nothing else matters.

I realize it's fun to get presents, and have gadgets and the newest of the new ~ but this year my mindset has personally taken another perspective. It's all the little things that add up to the big giant thing of being a new mom... that's my new favorite thing!

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